Leave the World Better Than You Found It
The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of building
- Louis Kahn
Architects come from many backgrounds and work for many reasons but for many of these people (including us), it was a calling more than a conscious decision that brought us into architecture. And there are certain qualities that are common to Architects.
First thing is first, We just want to make stuff! Our goal has always been to share our vision so it can become a reality.
There has always been an idea that an architect is this very specialized profession, when in fact we are firstly designers; we have to be artists, writers, and sculptors too. And just like a sculptor uses marble to capture our heroes in statues, we use glass and wood and steel to capture the human spirit in our own way. One aspect that architects tend to focus on is responsibility. An architect ins’t just responsible for putting a roof over your head, they will always aspire to build a place that improves your life in one way or another. Even in today’s climate, all kinds of innovators, including architects, have stepped up to secure a better future.
For example, Carlo Ratti Associati, Italo Rota, and many experts recently created CURA, an open source tool for converting shipping containers into modules that can provide hospitals with beds and biocontainment that they desperately require. And although they are not architects themselves, JUPE Health is diverse team of professionals that are creating deploy-able flat pack shelters not only provide space to treat patients but also areas for healthcare workers to rest during extended shifts.
Now I know this a lot of lofty talk about my job, but at the end of the day architects do need to have a lot of ambition (see: ego) to believe that we can leave the world better than how we found it.