Wellness: Acoustics

Imagine a moment of tranquility, where the only sound is your own rhythmic breath. Yet, how often do we find ourselves drowned out by background noise, disrupting our focus and serenity? These disruptions, whether a sudden bang or a crack of laughter during office chatter, remind us of the importance of crafting spaces that offer peace and quiet—a vital aspect for productivity and relaxation alike.

In established spaces like offices, there exist numerous solutions to tame noise and its propagation. Despite the allure of open-plan layouts, incorporating divisions tailored for quiet activities is crucial. Enhancing these dividers with insulation, acoustical adhesives, and gaskets on openings like doors can significantly reduce noise intrusion. Where walls aren't feasible, deploy freestanding or surface acoustical panels strategically, accompanied by soft furnishings and greenery to absorb and dampen sound reflections.

For those fortunate enough to design from scratch, consider preemptively segregating noisy and quiet areas. Utilize partitions, spatial distancing, or height differences to create acoustically optimized zones, minimizing the need for later makeshift fixes. Additionally, when constructing anew, prioritize materials with high Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) ratings.

STC gauges a material's sound-blocking ability, crucial for walls and partitions, while NRC measures how surfaces reflect or absorb sound. Aim for high STC ratings for walls to stifle noise transmission and high NRC ratings for surfaces like glass to deflect sound effectively.

Implement these strategies into your spaces and witness the gradual enhancement of your well-being. Grab a blanket, a mug of tea, and get cozy while you wait for our next article on Comfort coming soon!


Wellness: Comfort


Wellness: Air Quality